Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011

Happily Ever After

 If you haven't noticed, on my blog there is a section titled "love & relationships" and since this is a blog mainly intended for Muslim women (whose population, might I add are 99.99% obsessed with weddings!)I thought I would include some posts on that topic. I've only done two posts about Islam and love, so I thought I would do a third and include some beautiful photos I came across of that made me smile. I hope it will do the same for you inshAllah. 
P.S. For those who personally know me, don't take this too literally, i'm not getting married just yet ;) lol
For all my Arabs out there, did you notice that this is the same dress worn by Elissa in her "3a Bali" video clip?
This dress is my favorite :)
Hanan Turk, Egyptian actress that became a hijabi. MashAllah, I truly admire her for turning down all the indecent acting roles for the cause of Allah SWT. May Allah protect her always. Ameen.
I wonder if this dress can be altered into a more modest style?
Malaysians are the cutest!

Which wedding dress is your favorite?

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